Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Tsunami Writing

ORIENTATION:Start here:One cloudy morning there laid a girl named Morgan.Morgan has beautiful long brown hair,her eyes are greener than tinkerbell’s dress and her skin is a dark tan colour,she is 11 years old and her birthday is on september the 29th.When Morgan got out of bed she felt the ground shaking but she ignored it and kept on walking.She put on her uniform and then put on her socks than her shoes.Morgan ran down stairs to the kitchen but something happened!she feel with a BANG!and a BONG!.Morgan got up rubbing her head but she got over it from a couple of rubbing. She got  her breakfast that her mum made her and scoffed that down with a GOBBL! GOBBL! GOBBL! she made her lunch and popped out of the door and walked to school.

PROBLEM:On her way to school she felt a breeze that whistled in her ear and she knew that it was a warning because she read a book about wind and when there is a big breeze and it wiesel's in your ears that means there is a TSUNAMI coming.So Morgan ran home and saw that her mum and dad’s car was stall in the drive way.So she ran inside and with a BANG! and she saw that her  mum and dad where not in the living room so she ran up stairs and looked in her mum and dad’s room and they. They were in there  room packing all there clothes up.I said’ MUM,DAD THERE IS A TSUNAMI’ They both said at the same time, “WE KNOW thats why we're packing so that we can leave before it hits.But it was too late Mum looked out the window and saw a huge crushing over stuff and saw that a  wave was coming towards us,Mum yelled, “QUICKLY GET INTO A CIRCLE AND HUG EACH OTHER TIGHT SO THAT WHEN CAN NOT SEPARATE” but we were shaking to much with terrare that didn’t have enough time and hit us within a second.And we flew like we were flying then we popped our heads out the water gasping for air.I yelled with all my voice, MUM,DAD WHERE ARE YOU” then I heard WERE OVER HERE MORGAN” and she saw that her Mum and Dad were holding onto a huge piece of wood.

SOLUTION:When I swam over to them I gave them a huge kiss and a huge hug and I said I love you guys.

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